We appreciate our dedicated and amazing Ignite family! Black Friday savings abound for you! Purchase the 3-month Ultimate Unlimited contract for just $84.96/month and experience Ignite—however, whenever, and wherever you want it—with always-on physical and digital programming. We have 300+ classes at your fingertips any time or join us real time at home or live in the studio
Purchase the 3-month Virtual Unlimited contract for just $59.45/month and experience Ignite—however, whenever, and wherever you want it—with digital access to programming and 300+ classes at your fingertips any time. This contract is for virtual access only.
We love new students and invite you to come as you are. Ignite classes, whether online or in-person, will allow you to do YOU. The new student unlimited 30-day contract allows new students to take virtual and in-studio classes as much as they would like during the duration of the contract. The contract begins on the purchase date, so if you need to delay your start please let us know. But seriously… what are you waiting for?
Give the gift of an unlimited 30-day membership to the people in your life who deserve the most valuable gift of all! There are many things we can do to stay healthy and combat the mental health crisis associated with COVID. Please call 715-292-0679 or email mari@ignitefitnessstudio.com and we will get a gift certificate to you via email or a paper copy in the mail !
Save 10% on all 10 and 20 class ala carte packages thru November 29th